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Shop  Therap-ease

Products made to aid in your self-care. Whether you are a therapist,  in the therapy room, or in your room, these items were created with you in mind.  Honestly, I created most of these items to use in my self-care journey. I am admittedly a self-care junkie, and rightfully so. We live in a world where rest, being present, and learning to nourish ourselves through downtime is almost nonexistent. I often say, "Sometimes it's not about making time, but taking, literally taking your time." Soooo, welcome to a bit of my world inside the mind of a self-care enthusiast.

I'm no gatekeeper when it comes to self-care. I'm sharing it with the world 'cause, yes we need it!  Enjoy the tools, use them often, and then, like the butterfly effect, share your experience with others (and don't forget to send them here so they can snag their own Therap-ease tools. Welcome to your self-care journey.
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